Thursday, 22 July 2010

Nineties Kids

Throughout recent history many different generations of childhood have passed, be it the flower children of the swinging 60s, the funky 70s kids or the snazzy sprogs of the 80s; each of these generations certainly have made their mark on the map of time. Now seeing as we are still only in the early 00s, or 'Noughtys' as it is called, our previous nineties generation has yet to become a novelty.

Its the nineties. Just imagine it; David Beckham is king and the spice girls rule the world. You're six years old and life is good, videos are still champ and computers still slow. These were the days, and any fellow ninetier will verify this. You see the nineties were special; not because of biased views but because the 90s kids were the last generation of 'Normal Kids'. Allow me to explain...back in the 90s the average child still played board games, they still played with action figures and bike riding was still up there along with Wendy houses, space hoppers and football...
However the kids of the 00s lack all of these qualities, by the time they were born mobile phones were almost mandatory and games consoles still peaking; families had two cars and fewer kids played outside; board games were now 'boring' and action figures now electronic. Poke'mon was Yu-Gi-h and yo-yo's were Beyblades. Everything was at the press of a button. Gone were the days of setting up mouse trap; now it's all Xbox, and as for children's television, now it's on all day everyday - taking with it the novelty of waiting for your programmes to start.
Patience had eroded making way for an instant generation - instant food, instant TV, instant communication. Nothing was worth waiting for any more. Not so long ago you were sitting at the breakfast table with a bowl of golden nuggets and a glass of sunny delight, the next it's all coco rocks and fruit shoots. Had the world gone crazy?!
Alas things move on and generations obviously have to differ; but that does not and will not ever prevent the nineties kids from remembering, and we will continue to do so! So when you're old and grey and feeling nostalgic don't hesitate to go down to the shed and stick on a bit of Keenan and Kel while munching on your BN BN's. Heck, why not get out your Tazzos and while you're at it maybe have a game of kerplunk!

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